06/14/2017 17:23
Are you suffering from pain due to herpes outbreaks or are you tired of using expensive creams, lotions, and medicines? I know you used these just to get some relief right? But don’t you know that there are more ways to get relief from disease? Yes, there are so many ways to treat its outbreak. After few paragraphs you will get to know about prunella vulgaris for herpes outbreaks.
You all are aware about this disease because nowadays this is the most common disease which is affecting many people one by one. This is the most annoying and irritating condition. There are many people who are suffering from this. The list of herpes patients is quite high in United States. Herpes is a disease which is caused by herpes simplex virus. This virus is responsible for causing oral herpes, genital herpes, chickenpox, brain infection and shingles.
All of these diseases are highly contagious and you can get this disease from personal contact with an infected person. Most commonly it causes oral herpes and genital herpes. Oral herpes is the infection of the mouth and genital herpes is the infection of rectum and anus. You can get oral herpes if you use any personal item of an infected person like towels, razors and also if you eat in a same utensils.
Genital herpes is caused by performing sexual activities with an infected person. The herpes virus gets into your body through small cut or mucus membrane. Once its virus enters into your body, it can stay inert into your immune system. As a result you can get outbreaks which can be painful, itchy and inflamed.
There is no cure for herpes till this date and once its virus enters into your body then you can’t get rid of this. To get rid of its outbreaks people are using over the counter medicines. But using medicines can’t give you proper results. So, on that note you can use natural remedy “prunella vulgaris”. This is the most effective remedy which can cure herpes outbreaks very efficiently.
Prunella vulgaris is also known as a “self-heal”. This is widespread herbal remedy which has been used to cure various types of many health issues. Prunella vulgaris is a healing herb which is traditionally used to cure minor wounds and cuts. It is also useful to cure stomach related issues, gum infections and sore throat.
Moreover all these, it can cure herpes outbreaks. The best part of this remedy is it has anti-viral properties which can remove viral hepatitis, HIV, herpes simplex virus, HSV1, HSV2. It helps to increase the capability of immune system which can effectively fight against herpes virus. It is a well-known and beneficial plant in china, America and Europe.
This is the most effective remedy which can cure the outbreaks fast then other remedies. There are few ways to use prunella vulgaris herb to cure herpes outbreaks.
Leaves- The best part of this plant is you can grow this plant in your backyard and you can use its leaves whenever you want to. To use this you just have to make a tea of it. Add water and chopped prunella leaves and boil it for few minutes. After it cools down, wash the infected area of the skin with this mixture.
Dried herb- For this you just need to buy some dry leaves of this plant and prepare a tea of it like you use to do. After it cool down wash the affected area of the skin with this tea.
Liquid solution- The liquid solution of this herb is available in the market and you just need to mix that liquid with water. Apply that mixture directly on the affected area for at least three times in a day. This is the most comfortable way to use this herb and the curing time of this remedy is faster than other treatment.
Juice – One of the best ways to use prunella vulgaris for herpes is by apply its juice directly on the sores. Take its leaves and grind it with water and extract its juice. Apply that juice in the infected skin. After applying for 2-3 times this on your sores you can see that the sores starts shrinking and the pain will reduce.
Prunella vulgaris is the perfect remedy which can cure the herpes outbreaks effectively without any side effects. This is the treatment which you can buy from any medical shop and if you want you can grow its plant in your backyard. Now you don’t have to use those expensive creams and medicines, use this simple but effective remedy and live normal life.
Do You Have Herpes?
Are you suffering from pain due to herpes outbreaks or are you tired of using expensive creams, lotions, and medicines? I know you used these just to get some relief right? But don’t you know that there are more ways to get relief from disease? Yes, there are so many ways to treat its outbreak. After few paragraphs, you will get to know about prunella vulgaris for herpes outbreaks.
You all are aware of this disease because nowadays this is the most common disease which is affecting many people one by one. This is the most annoying and irritating condition. There are many people who are suffering from this. The list of herpes patients is quite high in United States. Herpes is a disease which is caused by herpes simplex virus. This virus is responsible for causing oral herpes, genital herpes, chickenpox, brain infection and shingles.
What Causes Herpes Infection?
All of these diseases are highly contagious and you can get this disease from personal contact with an infected person. Most commonly it causes oral herpes and genital herpes. Oral herpes is the infection of the mouth and genital herpes is the infection of rectum and anus. You can get oral herpes if you use any personal item of an infected person like towels, razors and also if you eat in a same utensils.
Genital herpes is caused by performing sexual activities with an infected person. The herpes virus gets into your body through small cut or mucus membrane. Once its virus enters into your body, it can stay inert into your immune system. As a result you can get outbreaks which can be painful, itchy and inflamed.
There is no cure for herpes till this date and once its virus enters into your body then you can’t get rid of this. To get rid of its outbreaks people are using over the counter medicines. But using medicines can’t give you proper results. So, on that note you can use natural remedy “prunella vulgaris”. This is the most effective remedy which can cure herpes outbreaks very efficiently.
Prunella Vulgaris For Herpes

Moreover all these, it can cure herpes outbreaks. The best part of this remedy is it has anti-viral properties which can remove viral hepatitis, HIV, herpes simplex virus, HSV1, HSV2. It helps to increase the capability of the immune system which can effectively fight against herpes virus. It is a well-known and beneficial plant in china, America and Europe. This is the most effective remedy which can cure the outbreaks fast then other remedies. There are few ways to use prunella vulgaris herb to cure herpes outbreaks.
How To Use Prunella vulgaris?
The best part of this plant is you can grow this plant in your backyard and you can use its leaves whenever you want to. To use this you just have to make a tea of it. Add water and chopped prunella leaves and boil it for few minutes. After it cools down, wash the infected area of the skin with this mixture.
Dried herb- For this you just need to buy some dry leaves of this plant and prepare a tea of it like you use to do. After it cool down wash the affected area of the skin with this tea.
Liquid Solution-

Juice –
One of the best ways to use prunella vulgaris for herpes is by apply its juice directly on the sores. Take its leaves and grind it with water and extract its juice. Apply that juice in the infected skin. After applying for 2-3 times this on your sores you can see that the sores starts shrinking and the pain will reduce.
Prunella vulgaris is the perfect remedy which can cure the herpes outbreaks effectively without any side effects. This is the treatment which you can buy from any medical shop and if you want you can grow its plant in your backyard. Now you don’t have to use those expensive creams and medicines, use this simple but effective remedy and live the normal life.